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How do I buy a Minecraft Marketplace map or skin pack?

Minecraft Marketplace is full of great choices for skin packs and playable maps. In order to browse, load up your Minecraft Bedrock installation and click on the Marketplace button.

How do I buy Minecraft Minecoins?

Open your Minecraft Bedrock installation and click on the Marketplace button. Next, click on the plus sign in the top right to open the coin store. After purchasing the coins you are able to use them to buy anything you’d like on the Marketplace!

How do I play a Minecraft Marketplace map?

Once you have purchased a map from the Minecraft Marketplace, you can then create a world using the new template. Start by going to the main menu and click “Play”. Next, click “Create New” and select the purchased template from the list in the menu. Finally, click “Create” and you’re ready to go!

How do I play with friends on Minecraft Marketplace maps?

You can invite others once in-game. While in-game, in the top right, press the “Invite to Game” button. If they are your friend, they will also be able to find your world under the “Friends” tab.

How do I report a Minecraft Marketplace map bug?

For our maps, please use the form above. Otherwise, assuming the content creator has a open line for communication, you should submit an inquiry directly to the creator detailing the problem you are encountering.

In the event that the creators themselves cannot help you, the next step is to contact Minecraft support for further assistance.

How do I get my maps onto the Minecraft Marketplace?

Minecraft Marketplace maps can only be released by Minecraft Partners. They are the ones responsible for creating content on the Marketplace and maintaining support. If you're a creator, we would love to work with you! You may also check out the official application on the Minecraft Partner page.


Map Releases


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